Ego Wellness

Monday, 28 March 2016

Impacts of Hard Water on Your Hair

imageImpacts of Hard Water on Your Hair

For nourished hair you just can’t solely depend on proper care and maintenance. Various other factors have to be combined together to attain the desirable hair quality, texture and length. Do you know what harm does hard water causes to your hair? If you are thinking that the unevenness in the quality of your hair is due to natural causes, the water springing from your shower head might be the reason!
Ego Wellness Bangalore explains, basically, each hair shaft contains small scales, aligned somewhat like shingles on a roof. Hard water makes these scales stand upright which makes your hair feel uneven and entangled. Hard water even makes it difficult to rinse out the soap applied to nourish the hair.

Obviously you cannot keep away from washing your hair with water in any way. But you can always keep a check upon the type of water you use. Many people are uninformed of the fact that hard water has harmful effects on hair cells. Inapt constituents in water can make your hair rough, dry and spoiled, in addition to increasing the possibility of excessive hair fall. To deal with it you will have to get Hair Transplant done. In India, the supply of water is not hygienic and inappropriate for hair to grow in a productive manner.

The chemicals dissolved in water make them hard in nature and lead to destruction of your hair. The continuous exposure of your scalp with such harmful chemicals leads to rigorous damages, thinning hairline, premature graying and much more. Apart from this, hard water can modify the natural color and quality of your crowning glory, thus making it essential for you to apply artificial dyes, which may impact your overall looks in a wrong way. Using soft water is the only resolution for the issues faced by your hair.

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