Ego Wellness

Monday, 16 May 2016



We are face to face with the threat of obesity. It is an problem that is slowly engulfing our's as well as the generations to come.
What causes obesity?
The main cause of obesity today is cheap calories. The burgers and pizzas and all that junk gives us nothing but cheap calories.
According to a survey an obese person has 80% less confidence than a fit person. The point is not to look malnourished but to stay fit and have a happy and light body.
The ancient science of ayurveda suggests some lifestyle changes to fight obesity. Ayurveda believes that there are three types of doshas in people:
  • Kapha dosha- people who have more of water as well as earth in their constitution.
  • Vata dosha- people with higher ether and air in their constitution.
  • Pitta dosha- Fire types.
Ayurveda further believes that people with kapha dosha gain weight faster than the other two. It is the accumulation of kapha dosha that leads to lowered rate of fat metabolism and hence obesity.  Vata dosha people generally remain skinny and pitta dosha ones are the luckiest as they are mostly blessed with a balanced body type.
Here are a few ayurvedic tips for shedding off extra fat:
  • Ayurveda recommends daily exercise for the body as well as mind. Yoga and pranayam takes care of both these aspects. Surya namaskar, bhujang and trikon asan along with kapal bhati and bhastrika to exercise breathing are extremely effective for losing weight.
  • The urge to sleep during the day should be suppressed.
  • Udvartana in Ayurveda refers to dry massages. These are said to loosen fat molecules and quicken the process of weight loss.
  • Lukewarm water with lemon as well as honey is said to cut down fat from the body too.
  • The magic of surya mudra is unbelievable. Just place the tip of your ring finger at the root of your thumb with the thumb exerting light pressure on it. Do this daily for 15-20 minutes to shed unwanted weight.
Additionally ayurveda has a range of herbal medicines that facilitate losing weight successfully provided other ayurveda lifestyle changes are adhered to as well. Swarnmakshik bhasm, triphala churan, guggulu, mandoor bhasm and shilajit are some of them.

Ayurveda urges to stay away from sweets on a daily basis and encourages one to include food items like honey, oats, bitter gourd, aamla, ginger, barley, arhar and moong dal in their daily meals. Ego Wellness offers the most effective and trusted ayurveda therapy for weight loss in Bangalore.
Ego Wellness sports the best wellness and fitness center in Bangalore. They also cater for your need for a reliable hair clinic as well as stem cells for hair in Bangalore.

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